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No experience required.
  • Starting March 7th 2022
  • 1-hour livestream each Monday @ 5pm PST/8pm EST
  • Recordings posted after each session
  • Weekly work submissions on Fridays
  • Weekly peer feedback due Mondays
  • Our program is designed to work in teams of 1-5 people
  • The cost is $50 per team, for 13-18 cohort
  • The cost is $250 per team, for adult cohort
  • Designed to work asynchronously
  • 1-hour live online session with Pixar storytellers each Monday 5pm PST (will be recorded)
  • Approximately 4-5 hours of work per week required to complete the program

​Every team in our program will create a storyreel of their own short film. 


A storyreel is a rough draft of an animated film using rough drawings edited together in a sequence. Every Pixar film begins as a storyreel to see if the story is working before it goes into animation.

Each week, you will work toward a final storyreel with a new deadline that mimics Pixar’s process.




What makes Story Xperiential unique?


  • Xperiential was designed by the team who produced Pixar in a Box, in partnership with student and educator advisors, and features Pixar story artists for each Live Session.

  • Participants will get behind the scenes exposure of what it’s like working within the industry and gain invaluable hands-on experience doing cross-curricular projects while developing 21st century skills needed for college, career and life readiness.


What type of guidance will the student teams receive?


  • The Live Sessions will provide students with insight into all aspects of storytelling and filmmaking, hearing about the Pixar process directly from Pixar story artists, including Q&A.

  • The weekly content includes engaging exercises for participants to apply concepts while learning the framework needed to craft their story along the way.

  • A key aspect of the program is the weekly peer feedback each team receives to guide their story development and revisions.

  • Participants can also email for additional support.


How do I become part of a team?


  • Students enrolled by their school or after school program will be assigned to a team by their educator or facilitator upon registration.

  • Students wanting to join independently and work individually are welcome to do so. Just complete the registration to enroll.

  • Xperiential is designed to allow for the same level of structure and support whether participating within a team or independently.


How will the peer feedback be structured?


  • Every week teams will give & recieve feedback from other groups via a weekly Gallery which features all student work.

  • Moderators will review all feedback before it is made available to participants.

  • Participants will receive an additional notification when feedback on their work is available to view.


Tell me more about the online exhibition?


  • At the end of the program, participants will submit their final story reels to the online film exhibition, and each team will have their own dedicated page showcasing their final reels.

  • Students will have the opportunity to vote on peer recognition awards, and the chance to receive a reaction video from an industry expert.


What software and materials are needed?


  • Drawing: Many participants only use pencil and paper. If you prefer to draw digitally, we'll share a list of resource tools (free and paid) that you can use, as well as tips on drawing during the program.

  • Editing: To create your storyreel, you'll need to use a simple video editor to combine your drawings with audio. We'll share a list of free software and tutorials.


How is Story Xperiential structured?


  • The week starts with a live session featuring Pixar story artists on Mondays at 5pm PST / 8pm EST.

  • Participants spend 3-4 hours during the week working on their projects. Weekly assignments are due by end of day Fridays.

  • Project work can be done in any setting, including in a classroom or after school, or independently.

  • Peer feedback on project deliverables is due on Mondays.


What if participants cannot attend the Monday live sessions at the set scheduled time?


  • Live sessions can be attended in real time from any location, independently or in a facilitated setting. 

  • Schools/programs/individuals also have the option to watch the recorded session when it fits in their schedule (recordings posted within 2 hours of the live session).


What is the time commitment per week?


Students will spend approximately 5 hours per week on the 

Story Xperiential program:

  • 30-45 minutes for the Live Sessions (recordings will be posted 2 hours after each session)

  • 3-4 hours collaborating on the weekly projects

  • 20 minutes giving feedback to other participant teams

Still have questions?
We are here for you.

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