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i really like the story and the character, i am curious on how she is a half human and half dog??'


What I found most interesting about this character was that she is half human half dog. It makes me wonder if there are more people like her.


Aww, I love it, and it sounds awesome that she can turn into a dog, may have misheard that, anyway awesome concept of story and character.


What I found most interesting about this character was the uniqueness


Why dose she hide her ears !
She should own her differences
love the story

Natalie H

What I found most interesting about this character was the fact that they are half dog and half human. It makes me wonder more about how you will keep the readers engaged?


Wonderful job good backstory. As well the goals of the character are really reasonable and make sense. But why does she want to sing add more details why she wants to sing

Angel Medina

Wonderful job good backstory. As well the goals of the character are really reasonable and make sense. But why does she want to sing add more details why she wants to sing

Angel Medina

I think its cool that shes half dog and half person and that she wants to become a singer.


what I found interesting is that she is a half-human and half dog. what makes me wonder more is what if her singing was half dog and half human.


I love the drawing it's very good! The character is very good!


What I found most interesting was the character’s aspiration to sing. It makes me wounded more about whether they make this known to their friends and family, or do they keep it a secret?


What I found most interesting was your character (I would use her name but I do not want to spell it wrong) and how she looks and dresses and the fact that she is half human and half dog which is cool! Her want and what's stopping her from getting what she wants is very understandable and great, and the end of your story that I am thinking of will turn out to be full of happiness and equality (or not?) It makes me wonder more about the backstory of your character aside from just being bullied to turn her into who she is, and who your character's friends and family are.


What I found most interesting was that you developed your character's personality very well and the drawing is good. It makes me wonder more about how she will change society and the world.


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Marqueith and Samanta MPA


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