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this is a really creative idea and a really good main character :D i wonder, those Dovie ever find it difficul or counfuse to see the worl in 2 different at the same time??


I really like the plot points and how thorough you made them. I think you should identify some obstacles that could come with seeing through both eyes differently. Do people not accept her because she has the abilities of both types of people? Does it ever physically hurt to see through both of her eyes when they're so different? I like how much detail you put into her personality.


I really like the plot points and how thorough you made them. I think you should identify some obstacles that could come with seeing through both eyes differently. Do people not accept her because she has the abilities of both types of people? Does it ever physically hurt to see through both of her eyes when they're so different? I like how much detail you put into her personality.


i think the art is really beautiful and has a lot of detail. how does this effect her life. do other people judge them or do they even know. the story is super interesting.


The what-if question here is some seriously powerful stuff. I love the concept art here, this is all very lovely and gorgeous, color choice is extraordinarily on-point. I genuinely see no problem with this, besides the color aspect not too heavily playing part in the story as a whole it seems, being more-so just a catalyst for a different and not related problem.


I really like the concept of being able to see color out of one eye and black and white out of the other. I love your description of the characters and how in depth you talked about her. I think maybe you could give detail about what the world is like for her, i have a few question about what the people are like? or what school is like for her. But other than that excellent job with your character


I really like the concept of being able to see color out of one eye and black and white out of the other. I love your description of the characters and how in depth you talked about her. I think maybe you could give detail about what the world is like for her, i have a few question about what the people are like? or what school is like for her. But other than that excellent job with your character


I like the drawing because its very colorful and quite detailed but the "blobs of color"i think you could go more into depth on. The concept is very good and i wonder if she actually sees things in detail.


I really like the idea of one person being able to see two different aspects of life. I fell like she is gonna have multiple problems due to her cockiness, so I think she would feel more validated. I really like the colors and the opposite perspective.


I really like the eyes! I think this concept is very interesting


I really like the idea of one person being able to see two different aspects of life. I fell like she is gonna have multiple problems due to her cockiness, so I think she would feel more validated. I really like the colors and the opposite perspective.


it is very interesting but i'm wondering how did humans start only seeing colorful blobs and black and white detailed shapes
i wonder how the world came to being this diverse


I like the idea but i think that it could be better by adding better concept but i like the creative idea.


You have really nice drawings
speak more clear
you have a really good story


Its amazing such awesome colors and pictures and a great character.
I wonder if shes the only one with something like that
Good job


Its amazing such awesome colors and pictures and a great character.
I wonder if shes the only one with something like that
Good job


I like the concept and drawing alot. Maybe speak a little louder. Other than that I love the detail and the zoom to show what i'm looking at.


I like the second What If? and I specifically like the drawings of the people.
I think that maybe you could be a little more specific for the first What If?
I really like the description of Debby and how she has different color eyes.


i really liked your concept i find it really intresting and how you put a charcater that views the world diffrent than others something i would give feedback on is your audio because i can hear you but i struggle to hear.


The character is already interesting, I only wonder what the setting will be like which could greatly affect the story. does everyone else have unique attributes like this or is it just her, and if so does she decide to hide it or tell people about it.


It's very interesting and a good idea


It's a very interesting and unique concept. I wonder how you'll be able to expand upon it and flesh it out into a full story. I also wonder what you meant by "blobs of color." I didn't really understand that part. In the eye that she sees color, are the shapes definite, or indefinite?


Wonderful work, wow....I feel like your character is already alive :) I find this craving for validation interesting...I wonder how she can turn her unique observation powers into an advantage. Also how will her observation powers will connect to the obstacle in the story? That is, why will her abilities help her learn what she needs to learn in the end of her story? I also wonder what the climax of the story will be....


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Dovie McLoren

In one eye, Dovie can see the world are colorless but definite shapes, while in the other eye, she sees the world as blobs of color.



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