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2) What you think about this submission:

Glows: I really like the visual style of your drawings.
Grows: Next time, you should try to cut out extra background noise, as it is kinda distracting.


The idea I found most interesting was how your drawing would come to life. It makes me wonder what would happen if you drew yourself?


Those are really creative and amazing ideas. Your drawings are really good!! I liked the ideas but maybe you could describe your ideas more.


Those are really creative and amazing ideas. Your drawings are really good!! I liked the ideas but maybe you could describe your ideas more.


Really cool ideas and nice drawing


the space and time one is good it will go far


the idea i found most interesting was the spacr and time one. it makes me wonder if you can do it any time.


the idea i found most interesting was the spacr and time one. it makes me wonder if you can do it any time.


love the style of the art. how would the over all world be if all art came to life. if every could control time it would it be the same or different for everyone. super creative art and ideas.

kailah mack

I like the drawings, I think if everybody could control time and space there would be no order, I like the latter idea more, but they're both great.


I love the drawings, I think that With everyone being able to control time there would be alot of time loops and very odd things, I think your idea about drawings coming to life has alot of potential.


I really liked the animation of them. I think maybe you could add more color to the first one. Also, you should make the little people bigger. Over all I think it was very well done.


I found the first idea the most interesting and the art matches it very well. It makes me wonder more about the story and how the pros and cons of everyone controlling space and time will effect that world. This is a good idea however I think if only one person had that power it would have more potential for expanding ideas and it would be less complicated. This is great work!


I like your ideas and drawings. I recommend that you add more to your drawings showing what is happening. I recommend that you put a paper with your drawing to show that your drawing come to life. I like your what ifs and are excited to see what you continue making.


The idea I found most interesting was the one about the drawings came to life. It made me wonder about how the characters would act and would they know if they came from paper.


The idea I found most interesting was the one about the drawings came to life. It made me wonder about how the characters would act and would they know if they came from paper.


I thought the art and the concept for the first one was done really well.
the concept was there for the second one but the art didn't really reflect it well. what if you try to emphasize your characters coming out of the paper to represent them really coming to life.


I love the idea about space and time, how would it would though? Would different people enter other people’s realities? Could their be multiple different personalities of the same person? COULD THE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES MEET EACH OTHER.??


I love the idea about space and time, how would it would though? Would different people enter other people’s realities? Could their be multiple different personalities of the same person? COULD THE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES MEET EACH OTHER.??


I love the idea about space and time, how would it would though? Would different people enter other people’s realities? Could their be multiple different personalities of the same person? COULD THE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES MEET EACH OTHER.??


Your drawings are so cute! I love your shading.

I found the idea about your drawings coming to life the most interesting. It makes me wonder more about them — who are they? Would they get along? What would they do?


I think the art is amazing and really stand out against the backgrounds, The fist idea reminds me of the villain (I don't know how to spell his name) from The Incredibles, if everyone is super, no one is. Maybe if everyone is able to control space and time, there are laws set up to prevent the misuse of it, and you get stuck in a void of nothingness if you break them? The ideas are intriguing and have a lot to explore about them.


This is very creative and fun. The drawings are good too!


OH—I really love how you blended your drawing into a photograph—it gives me some Looney Tunes: Back in Action energy. But, okay, okay. So, if EVERYONE can control space and time, wouldn't that cause a lot of back and forth time paradoxes? And, like, just how strong is this control? Can they move time back to before they were born? Or, can they move time forward to after they die? Do their abilities only influence a certain volume around them? What about if time is moved to before someone else is born? What happens to that person? What if their birth is prevented? And, with space manipulation, can you create a singularity? Then, for the last one, do the drawings come to life from paper? Are they still 2D or do they become 3D?


The idea I found most interesting was what if everyone had control of space and time. It makes me wonder about what that would lead to and what would be done with it


The idea I found most interesting was what if everyone had control of space and time. It makes me wonder about what that would lead to and what would be done with it


The idea I found most interesting was what if everyone had control of space and time. It makes me wonder about what that would lead to and what would be done with it


I really like the two ideas you came up with because they have a lot of ways the story could be written because of how open-ended they are. I would love to see you try out the idea about your drawings coming to life because I think I could relate to that because I love to draw. I think that using either of these ideas would have a lot of room for your imagination to run wild. Also, I really love the drawings you did for these, they are very well done.


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I came up with two ideas!! Anyway I had a lot fun do it!



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