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Very interesting work of commentary—it's extremely relevant: it's clear how it pokes fun at perfectionism, conformism, unrealistic expectations, self-deprecation, lack of self-care, lack of accessibility, lack of accommodation, and, as you mentioned, ableism. But, uh—I do have a few questions. Maybe its the lack of visuals that made it difficult to understand, but you kept referring to box hands and prong hands—are these supposed to be visual representations of ability or standards? Like, are the box hands indicative of the kind of person expected within the society, and are the prong hands representative of other styles of learning and other types of people that aren't as accepted? You also mentioned drawing boxes? Is drawing boxes all that they do within this society? And, the main character is, so-to-say, a round peg trying to fit into a square hole? Try playing with the idea to come up with three variations of it. For future reference, during these early stages of iteration, you might want to try more rapid ideation as opposed to going so in-depth with one idea. Remember, this exercise was a "what if"—which you give comprehensively within the first slide. Still, wonderful idea, and I look forward to seeing what you do later.
I really like the metaphor that you are creating with your "what if" world, and it seems like you already know the story you want to create. It is rich in possibility in the different directions you can go and especially in how you can visually create this world. I'd like to see you really take time to develop your "What if" idea and your character in that world, before jumping ahead to the rest of your story so that you give adequate time to dive deeper into who your character is. Fantastic idea and can't wait to learn more about your character!
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Tita - "What If" Teaser Trailer
here's an idea for an animated short film I'd like to pursue